The Castellows - A Little Goes A Long Way

We were just kind of nervous about it, but what I love about that is we came to her with this idea and she helped us make it our own and it’s real. You know, we don’t have a front porch swing, it’s a back porch swing. So you got to say back porch swing. Aspects like that were just really encouraging for us to have that first experience in the co-writing world.
— Powell; interview with Country Now

What a great debut EP from The Castellows this is. Full of contemporary county instrumentation it’s grounded in the traditional. Great songwriting from the sisters and some of Nashville’s best.

Max Mazonowicz

I’m the editor-in-chief. The guy who looks after this whole damn place. And the music you see here is the kinda sounds that I’m into. They’re my questions, but not my answers.


Peyton Porter- Grown


Sarah Jarosz - Polaroid Lovers