Amanda Shires - Take It Like A Man

Amanda Shires album cover
My writing process is I take the journals that I have kept and go through with a highlighter and pick out words, partial lines, ideas, or themes. Sometimes just a metaphor or something my daughter has said or an observation. Then I copy all highlighted words onto an index card with a black Sharpie and I put the index cards in a box. Then I put the journals in the shredder, and I put the shredder in the compost, which goes to my tomatoes in the summer.
— Amanda Shire on her writing process
Max Mazonowicz

I’m the editor-in-chief. The guy who looks after this whole damn place. And the music you see here is the kinda sounds that I’m into. They’re my questions, but not my answers.


Jonah Tolchin - Lava Lamp


Wild Rivers - Sidelines